+91 9833432364

We are a group of manufacturing and trading companies that focuses on client requirements and aims to make the highest quality products with reasonable/best pricing.

How do we differ from other companies?
Client satisfaction is of topmost priority to our company. We are built on the principals of selling quality products and giving the best manufacturing and trading solutions - we believe in delivering and growing. Our company branches its manufacturing capabilities to various sectors of the market.

What are our future goals?
We aim to expand our functions to their/its highest capabilities and be the biggest manufacturing company that delivers special products.

What is our USP/Why choose SMI?
Requirements for projects such as - Infrastructural, Solar, Oil & Gas, Power Sector, Chemical Plants, Cement Plants, Building Construction, etc. can be taken care of under one roof. Not only are we a one stop solution for all the project necessities, but also assure the highest quality standards and efficient services.